The Firestorm Universe

A Page dedicated to all Firestorm Universe related posts. 

Below you can see some of the articles I have written out, hopefully at least a few of these will prove interesting for you.

Informative Planetfall posts
Planetfall Army Lists
Battle Reports
Unboxing posts
Completed Helix's
My Planetfall Record
Firestorm Universe Bloggers
Firestorm Universe Video Channels
Firestorm Universe Podcasts

To begin:

Informative Planetfall posts:

Planetfall Review (Part 1 & Part 2)
Picking Your Force
Picking Your Force - Allies
Sky Drop & Sky Drop Tactics

Planetfall Army Lists

Directorate 3000A3000B
Aquan 3000A

Directorate Core Helix
Directorate Leviathan Helix
Directorate Heavy Helix
Terquai Recon Helix

Campaign Ideas:

Battle Reports:

Report 1
Report 2
3000 Points
Aquans vs Dindrenzi


Below you will find links to current pictures for each of my forces & their allies, as I paint up new models I will update the links, and hopefully give some insight to the units, and anything amazingly good or bad they might accomplish in games.

Directorate - Planetfall - Armada

Aquans - Planetfall
Works Raptor - Planetfall
Teraqui - Planetfall
Terrain - Planetfall

Unboxing Posts

Aquan Heavy Helix
Aquan Recon Helix
Aquan Leviathan Helix
Directorate Heavy Helix
Directorate Leviathan
Relthozan Core Helix
Dindrenzi Core Helix
Rense System Navy Assault Helix

My Completed Helix's (more coming soon)
Directorate Core Helix
Directorate Leviathan Helix
Directorate Heavy Helix
Rense System Navy Assault Helix
Aquan Recon Helix
Aquan Heavy Helix
Aquan Aerial Interceptor Helix

My Planetfall Record:
Played: 34, Won: 18, Lost: 16
Directorate - Won 8, Lost 8
Aquans - Won 10, Lost 8

Firestorm Bloggers

All Quiet on the Hobby Front 
The Waygate
Mann's Model Moments
Ski's Games
Element 270
Afterimagedan Starship Combat Blog
Fleet Signal
The Long Crusade
Into the Storm Zone
Planetfall DE
Corey Dlyon - Spartan posts coming soon

Video Blogs / Unboxings / Information

GrueneHorde Videos
Fleet Signal Videos


Mannmomo Podcast

The Warlog

Below is a list of the games that have been played, and reported back to the Spartan games forums, I am sure there are many many more being played out there, but for now here are the stats I have.

This is after 6 months of forum users reporting games back, and I will add an additional chart when we hit 9 and 12 months. 

Incomplete games are where neither player reached Planetfall (0 on the ZHT), and games where the Kurak Alliance, or Zenian League played themselves are excluded from the top figures, and counted merely as Wargames. 

The Warlog from October 2015

Individual Brackets


afterimagedan said…
This is an awesome post! Love the comparisons.
afterimagedan said…
This is an awesome post! Love the comparisons.
Kraggi said…
There will be an update to it early in the new year once the Warlog finishes :-)

Then we get to see how year 2 & 3 shape up as more people (I hope) are posting their games on the Spartan Forum.