My Hobby in January

This last month has been a month of ups and downs from a hobbying perspective. The oppourtunity arose to start doing articles on Belloflostsouls I found myself suddenly renewed in my drive to play and paint my Dystopian Wars models. Which has been a real positive thing, helping me get back into a game I had been flagging in.

On the flip side of that my FLGS announced that it will be closing down on the 19th Feb. It may have only been a few short years since it opened, but in that time it has had a definate effect on my hobby, introducing me to Roleplay Games, games like Hordes & Warmachine and lets not forget introducing me to Spartan Games and therefore to the Dystopian Wars. Kingdom of Adventure you will be missed when the day arrives that you close your doors for the last time.

However from my games playing in a month, all in all pretty happy.
Games Played

Dystopian Wars
Prussian Empire vs Empire of the Blazing Sun - Draw (Sea)
Prussian Empire vs Empire of the Blazing Sun - Loss (Sea)
Prussian Empire vs Empire of the Blazing Sun - Loss (Sea)
Kingdom of Britannia vs Empire of the Blazing Sun - Loss (Land)

Necrons & Blood Angels vs Dark Eldar & Eldar - Win
Grey Knights vs Dark Eldar (1250 Points) - Loss
Grey Knights vs Space Marines (1500 Points) - Win
Played: 7
Won: 3
Lost: 4
